
+27638167664 Abortion pills for sale in Colombia.

Faith Anet ·+27638167664
+27638167664 Abortion pills for sale in Colombia.
The abortion pill involves taking two medicines, mifepristone and misoprostol. The first medicine, mifepristone, ends the pregnancy. It works by blocking the hormone progesterone. Without progesterone, the lining of the uterus breaks down, and the pregnancy cannot continue. Abortion pills for sale in Colombia. The second medicine, misoprostol, makes the womb contract, causing cramping, bleeding, and loss of the pregnancy similar to a miscarriage. Where to find abortion pills for sale in Colombia.

If at any point you decide to continue the pregnancy after taking the medications, it is important to know that there could be risks to the developing fetus. Misoprostol can cause birth defects and both mifepristone and misoprostol can cause miscarriage. Contact BPAS for further information and advice.

What is the cost of an abortion in Colombia?
Abortion is included in the healthcare plan and should be paid by the insurance company where women are affiliated. However, access barriers are still high. Many women resort to private services, and the cost depends on the gestational age. In practical terms, a first trimester abortion through MVA costs between U$150 and U$ 250, on average.

What are the legal and safe drugs available in Colombia?
Mifepristone and Misoprostol

Can I buy abortion pills at a pharmacy in Colombia?
Misoprostol is available at pharmacies, but it is supposed to require a prescription; however, pharmacies in Colombia sell all kinds of medication and sell them without a prescription. But It is not different with misoprostol.

Mifepristone is not available at pharmacies at all

Can I buy abortion pills online?
Yes, via international webpages and hotlines.

How to take mifepristone and misoprostol
The timing of when you administer your medication is important. If your pregnancy is of 10 weeks gestation, you will need to come into the clinic to take your medications.

Step 1 – You will swallow the first medicine (mifepristone) with water
Step 2 – 1 to 2 days later you will take the second medicine (misoprostol)
And also, Step 3 – 3 to 4 hours after the first dose of misoprostol, you will take another dose
You will then pass the pregnancy at home.

Step 1 – Mifepristone
Swallow the mifepristone tablet with water.

You may have nausea or vomiting after swallowing the mifepristone. But If you do vomit, you should still use the misoprostol as outlined below. Please telephone if you have any concerns or if you vomit within 30 minutes of swallowing the mifepristone.

Most women do not have bleeding or pain until they take the second medication (misoprostol). Bleeding can occur after taking mifepristone, but it is usually light. If bleeding does happen, you should still use the misoprostol and may wish to consider placing it between your cheek and gum. Contact us if you have any concerns.

Step 2 and 3 – Misoprostol
Misoprostol tablets are placed in the vagina or between the cheek and gum. See below for more detail.

Misoprostol (the second medication) causes strong, painful cramps and heavy bleeding.

Instructions for using misoprostol (second medication)
You will have 6 tablets of misoprostol.

Step 2 – misoprostol
Use 4 tablets placed either in your vagina or between your cheek and gum.

Into the vagina
Insert 4 tablets as high as possible in the vagina; the exact location is not important, only that they do not fall out. You can do this while lying down, squatting or standing with one leg up – whatever is most comfortable for you.

Is abortion legal in Colombia?
Abortion in Colombia was decriminalized in 2006 by the Constitutional Court with the C-355 sentence in three circumstances with no gestational age limit:

When a woman’s life or health* is at risk** due to the pregnancy
When the pregnancy is the product of a violent act: rape, unconsented insemination or incest
Also, When the fetus has a malformation incompatible with life
*Health is understood in a comprehensive manner, including mental and physical health as well as life project.
**Women are the ones who determine when a pregnancy represents a risk

What are the different abortion services available in Colombia?
Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA)
Medical abortion (MA) – Abortion by pill (Misoprostol, Mifepristone)
Dilation and curettage
Dilation and evacuation
And also, Fetal Demise
Who can perform abortions in Colombia?
MVA and MA: Providers in Colombia have to be medical doctors who are general practitioners, with no requirement for OBG&N

Where can I go for abortion services in Colombia?
Private organizations such as Oriéntame and others
Public clinics

Risks and complications of the abortion pill
These are usually easy to treat and rarely have any long-term health effects:

If you are treated without an ultrasound scan to date your pregnancy – the gestation of your pregnancy may be later than realized (less than 1 in 1,000). This can mean the abortion treatment fails, or there is more pain or bleeding, you may see a recognizable fetus or in extreme circumstances a live birth (1 in 10,000).
Unpredictable time to complete the procedure
Side effects of drugs such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, fever/chills (1 in 10)
Retained products of conception – where the pregnancy is no longer growing but some of the pregnancy tissue is left behind in the womb (2 in 100)
Infection of the womb or fallopian tubes (2 in 1,000)
Unpredictable, irregular or prolonged bleeding after the abortion. Light bleeding or spotting can continue to the next period (variable)
Lower abdominal pain and cramping (experienced by all). Pain can be severe requiring strong painkillers
Continuing pregnancy (less than 1 in 100)
Hemorrhage – very heavy bleeding (2 in 1000)
Undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy (2 in 1000)
Psychological problems (variable)
Annuncio pubblicato il 17/11/2023
ID ANNUNCIO: 1727638


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